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499 Derrer Rd, Columbus, OH 43204

Decluttering Before A Move

Do you feel like your mental health is being knocked sideways when planning to move? It is no-shocking because moving is one of the most stressful life situations even if you don’t lift a thing. Planning a move can cause anxiety for everyone in your family, and it is just not fun moving all your belongings to a new place. Apart from all the household items you need to move into your house, there is also nitty-gritty stuff like addresses, utilities, and updating you need to take care of when you move. Decluttering before a move is one of the stages of moving houses. And it can take you weeks to months, depending on the size of your home. 

Below are our best ways to purge before a move and how you can make the whole process manageable.  

It is never too early to start decluttering before a move.

Dealing with a clutter-free house when moving is easy. But cleaning out is a hassle. Don’t postpone to declutter until the last minute because you may end up dealing with four times the work you had anticipated. Whether you are moving out in a couple of weeks or months, the fact is, you must clean. Start cleaning out your house early enough so that you have enough time to spruce to detail. Also, decluttering early will give you time to run your garage sale, manage your move, and find the best shipment deals. You will also have time to pack your possessions without having to rush things through to beat the last minute. 

Purge the storage areas first.

The attic, garage, and basement areas often have items that you rarely use, and it can be easy to declutter. Start decluttering these storage areas and sort through the things to keep and toss. Cleaning out the storage areas will give you the psyche to keep decluttering and create space to store your packed boxes before the actual move. Remember to label boxes for items to keep, sell, donate, or dump. 

You can declutter the rest of the rooms once you finish with the storage areas—plan to declutter and deal with one room at a time. For example, starting with the home office, followed by the bedrooms, bathrooms, kitchen, and living room. Whichever way you declutter, having a house decluttering plan is indispensable.

Decluttering before a moveReduce your load of items to move.

One of the pillar reasons for decluttering before a move is to reduce the amounts of things to move. You probably have old possessions that you no longer need but stuffed on one of the corners of our house. Disposing these obsolete items will cut on the transportation costs, create space in your new home, earn you money, and make your packing time a breeze. But where and how do you get rid of redundant items?

Sell or donate.

Once you categorize your items and know what to keep, sell/donate, or throw, you can host a garage sale or use online sites to list items for sale. Craig’s List and Facebook are excellent online sites to sell your secondhand household items. You can sell your books, appliances, tools, furniture, clothes, shoes, beddings, and electronics that are relatively in perfect condition. If selling is not your option, you can give out items to charities and local communities that could benefit from using your household items.


Another way to reduce the amount of baggage to carry us to recycle any useless item you want to discard. Sort through your things and pack recyclables together and drop them off at a local recycling center. You can request Dump A Box to haul your household junk to the material recovery facility or the disposal sites. 

As you declutter, don’t forget to keep up with routine house chores like cleaning. Do you have other hacks for easy decluttering before a move? Leave us a comment.